Be the inspiring leader you know you can be.

Our 10 Agreements

01 — Everyone Has a Story Worth Telling

We believe everyone has a gift to share with the world and that your gift is your story. We also understand that not everyone has the ability to see just how valuable their story is, that’s where we come in.

02 — Your Story Is Your USP

We believe if you knew how powerful your story was, you wouldn’t be sitting on it. Because it is the only truly unique thing about you that you can share with the world and leverage to your advantage.

03 — A Story Not Shared Does Not Serve

We’re committed to helping you share your story to inspire others, because a story not shared does not serve. Someone, somewhere woke up this morning needing to hear your story as to not feel alone and have a sense of hope about their future.

04 — We Care About You And Your Story

We will create a private, safe, confidential and non-judgemental space for you to fully uncover and explore your story with a trusted Certified Storycast® Guide.

05 — Your Story Deserves An Audience

Our goal is to help you feel seen, heard, supported and empowered along the way so that you can go to your grave knowing that your story mattered, that it was heard and told in your own words.

06 — Your Are Always In Control

We will never push you to share anything you’re not comfortable with. Our primary goal is for you to own your story, warts and all, as it will forever change the way you show up as a leader, partner, parent or friend.

07 — There Is Gold In Your Story

We will help you find the relevant parts of your story that you will feel safe and confident to share in a professional or business context to help you grow your business, connect with your audience and inspire change.

08 — You Will Be Challenged

We take the privilege of helping you source, shape and share your story as one of our greatest honours in life. As such we will make sure to hold the space and ask difficult questions to help you uncover stories that can truly serve your audience.

09 — Always Be Serving Your Audience

We believe that sharing your personal story in public isn’t about bleeding emotionally on stage or dumping all your shit on your audience. This isn’t therapy. That’s why we will help you turn any story into a powerful message that serves your audience and helps them transform in one way shape or form.

10 — We’ve Got Your Back

We will do everything we can to help you transform your relationship with yourself and fully own your story. Leaving you feeling confident and committed to sharing your life-changing story and message with the world to have a positive impact.

We care about your story, being told.


Start a new relationship with your story now.